Saturday, February 18, 2006

High noon

I feel alive.

I am still struggling with the half hour plus between beers. I tell you it ain't easy. Tom Petty said it succinctly. Waiting is the hardest part.

I feel like I am wringing each bottle of beer of all the liquidy goodness. I feel sorrow when the glass is empty and I have to watch the clock for the top of the hour.

From what I can tell, it is -4 degrees outside. They say we will reach 8 degrees but I think the weathermen are full of shit. It will stay cold. Thus I stay inside.

For now.

What, no questions? Nothing to ask the man of science?


AlCantHang said...

Why do fried foods and beers taste so good together?

Otis said...

So, this completely reminds me of my friend, Grieb, who once challenged himself to drink 100 beers in 72 hours.

I was there for #100 and I wish I could be there for your 24th. It should be a party.

NumbBono said...

I don't know if there's an official name for this challenge, ala "The Century Club". Might I suggest "The Jack Bauer Challenge"?

If you watch the tv show 24 you'll know why this makes sense.

NumbBono said...

The following beer takes place between 2:00 pm and 2:12 pm.

Intoxication occurs in real time.
