Monday, January 17, 2005

Didn't feel too bad

I didn't feel too bad this morning. Nor on Sunday, though I probably should have. I was taking it easy and enjoying a beer while I played poker online. I was halfway through a tourney, hoping to hear from some friends about going out to Hooters.

I never did get a call back. Thus, when I was delivered a bad beat around 3:30, I had no support team to prevent me from heading out to oblivion. I played more poker and drank the rest of the beer. 6 bottles of Lite were gone. One Heineken and 1 bottle of Capitol Brewings Blonde Dopplebock were quaffed. The beer was gone. It was only 4:30.

I could walk the block to the the liquor store. Or the block and a half to a bar (gotta love the south side of Milwaukee). No. It was cold out. Maybe 4 degrees. The liquor cabinet is quite full.

My friend Mark came to the rescue. Mark, as in Maker's Mark. He called from behind the glass and I answered. Boy did I answer. I had no ginger ale left, but that didn't matter. It was tumbling time. Grab some ice and a glass and I was ready to go.

But then tragedy! I only had two cubes of ice. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Don't panic. I poured some Maker's into the tumber and slowly drank it as I thought. This thought process lasted a good 15 minutes. I poured some more. Now it was beginning to hit me. It wasn't even the evening and I was feeling pretty damn good. I wanted to play some more poker as well.

So I fired up the coffee maker. Irish coffee it is. Turn on the stereo and play any and every drinking song I can find. That was not an easy task. Sure there are some easy ones.

Secret of the Bottle by Jackyl.
Line 'em up by Dangerous Toys
Full Circle by Aerosmith.
P&V and Toast to the Experts by Anthrax
Roadhouse Blues by the Doors
Have a drink on me by AC/DC

But that was all I could really find while digging through my cds. There has got to be more. Maybe I will notice when I pick the cds up off of the floor.

After dropping some more cash at the poker tables and being drunker than a skunk, I made the smartest decision of the night. I wasn't going anywhere. No way was I going to even think about going out. I think I watched some of the Steelers/Jets game. Think as I have no clue that the end was closer than what I recall. I settled down and watched some Badgers hockey. Or at least I think I did. I do recall seeing a final score there as well. I know I tried to watch the Bourne Supremacy. But after seeing two Jason Bournes on my tv screen I knew that was futile.

Next thing I know it was 5 am. I felt rather awake. Not really hung over. Just a tad tired. And hungry. No I got up and made some scrambled eggs and watched the end of the Carol Burnett show. Great stuff there. Next on was Flip Wilson. I have no clue how this guy got a tv show. It was beyond pathetic.

Watched the Bourne Supremacy (again?) and this time only saw one Jason Bourne on the screen. Enjoyed that. It was then time to go watch football at the bar. Needless to say, I helped Miller keep profit levels to their liking and left about 8 hours later. Good time with some friends. I believe I am going on a gambling junkett with them next month. That is, if I remember right. The weekend was pretty much a blur.


Anonymous said...

you did remember right... you are going gambling next month.... you are staying with e.

Anonymous said...

how about 'whisky in the jar' by metallica