Monday, August 15, 2005

Rock may never stop, it just doesn't last as long

If I hadn't been all drunk drinking beer on the Milwaukee River, I would have gone to see the Rock Never Stops tour down at the fair. With Cinderella being the headliner, I know I would have had a good time.

Or maybe not.

I was shocked, no disturbed, by what I heard this morning. Instead of starting up at 6pm, the show started at 7:45. I guess it was scheduled for 8 until 11.

Question: How do you jam 4 sets of music into a 3 hour period?

Answer: You don't.

Firehouse and Quiet Riot each played 4 songs. Ratt played 6 and Cinderella played 8. That is the report I was given.

WTF??? It takes longer for them to set up the next band than for Quiet Riot to play. Whoever came up with that should be shot. The show should have started at 6 with each group getting a minimum of 30 minutes and the headliner the normal set of over an hour.

I guess this weekend, beer saved me from disappointment. Once again, beer saves the day!

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