Friday, September 29, 2006

The calm before the storm

As I walked into work today, it dawned on me that October was going to be a busy month. Certain reports had to be completed, a business trip taken, normal monthly work fit in there somewhere. I then realized that today may be a very quiet day, but it would be the last for a while.

But my mind was really focused on the muffins I had brought in yesterday. Seeing how I will be a year older this weekend, I brought in the treats. I knew there were going to be some muffins left when I departed on Thursday. There was going to be hell to pay if one of the cleaning ladies took off with the bakery.

Now that I got my muffin fix, I can focus on what is going on this weekend. Not much. Dinner with friends downtown tonight, lawncare tomorrow, maybe dinner with my Dad. Football and poker on Sunday. I could have gone camping but having been gone the last 2 weekends, I had to get some stuff done at home. Plus, I don't want to freeze my balls off.

So what should I drink at dinner tonight? My usual pre-dinner cocktail of choice lately has been Sapphire and tonic. I may switch back to Maker's Mark and ginger ale. Any ideas?

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