Thursday, December 06, 2007

The best way to handle the snow

is to leave. I am off to Vegas for some debauchery. I leave just after shoveling 8 inches of snow on two properties with another 3 to 5 expected tonight. Seems like good timing but the reality is I will have to deal with the mess when I get back. As long as the city doesn't get froggy and try to ticket me for not clearing my walk. I thought about asking my tenant to take care of it but I know that wouldn't happen.

I find it amusing about all the bitching that is going on about the snow removal in Milwaukee during the first two storms. Everyone is complaining that they haven't done a good job.

I disagree. Yesterday I found the streets to be what I expected. The two residential streets hadn't been done by 6:30am. I figure they were doing the main streets. Sure enough, I hit the main street and it has been plowed but is covered with snow thanks to the lake effect. I hit the highway and that same lake snow has made it a mess. But as soon as I get away from the lake, the freeway is just wet.

So why is everyone bitching? I blame the internet. The local paper decided to create a forum for people to bitch about snow removal. Since there were complaints this past weekend, everyone's expectations were suddenly raised. Seriously, did you expect to wake up and find all the streets to be perfectly plowed? It simply does not work that way.

By the time I got home yesterday, the street by my house had been done. Except for the areas where cars were parked, the streets looked good. I think the city works people did a good job. Everyone needs to mellow out and not expect perfection on the first storm to hit the city.

Within two hours I will be wheels up. The entertainment on the flight is Oceans 13, followed by some reading, the Biggest Game in Town. In a couple of hours I will be flinging chips at the poker table, yelling Pai Gow!!!!, telling the dealer I would like to double down, and asking the crap guy to give me 12 on the 6 and 8.

Wish me luck!

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