Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Have mercy

It took me over half of the day to get caught up on the work that was missed in my absence. Toss in a couple of meetings and before I knew it the day was over. Sadly, it was still a 9 1/2 hour day. So glad it is over. Maker's Mark never tasted so good.

One place I had always wanted to check out in Vegas was the Hofbrau House. I had passed it many a time en route to my hotels and wonder what this place was all about. Sure I had been to the one in Milwaukee but no way was that going to be the same thing. Milwaukee's was just a bar. Vegas was a German beer hall! Big long tables. Buxomed beauties bringing you huge steins of beer. And a polka band pounding out the oompa pa!

It may not sound like you cup of tea- or in this case your glass of beer- but believe me, you would have a blast in this place. The band keeps plays a couple songs and then goes into the beer song. I wish I could tell you what they hell they were singing but I can't. It sounded like "Have mercy, have mercy, blah blah blah blah blah. Have mercy, have mercy, blah blah blah blah blah. One...two...three...drink!" At that point everyone in the hall will have the big steins of beer waving in the air and slamming into one another as the salute each other and drink.

But the band didn't play just polka. At one point they cranked out Sweet Caroline and the place went nuts. Ok, I might have been standing on a bench waving a glass. The most interesting part was when they played the national anthem. Everyone in the place stood up, removed hats and sang along. If you are going to find patriotism in America, I guess the place in the Hofbrau House in Vegas. Toss in some good food with the dunkelweiss and I had a great time there. I would definitely go back.

Stock report: When I was gone, the bad boy dipped. Today it dipped more under 9 to 8.86. Grandma may get a new radio now instead of a TV.

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