Saturday, August 21, 2004

Round and round

While drinking, I got into it with a friend of the liberal persuasion. Not that I was shocked how the conversation was turned from fact to "that isn't what we were talking about" or "that isn't what I said" but it was what he said. The topic was taxes. I told him he was paying less as proven by an entity that showed that the average US taxpayer had paid the federal taxes earlier this year than the previous years. In Wisconsin, the day is April 13. Two days after the federal day. Considering that Wisconsin state tax is roughly 6%, which isn't that low, it means that we in this fine state pay an extra 2 days for our tax burden.
I was told that was wrong. Hmmm... not quite. The tax cuts the President gave us not only helped spurn the economy but help keep the tax burden for the normal citizen (you & I) rather low. He argued that we are paying more in state taxes now than we did before the cuts. The facts prove him wrong. I know that with his own admission. I asked him how much he pays in state taxes. He did not know. If that is so, then how in the heck do you argue that one is paying more on the state level? Wisconsin state tax is roughly 6%. One should not argue facts when you have no clue about what you are paying.

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