Thursday, October 05, 2006

It makes sense now

With all the news about Iran wanting nukes, I wondered why the leader of their country was such an uptight prick. Well, now it all makes sense. Apparently he is not allowed to pull the goalie during his holy period. Hell, that would make any man uptight.


I read that Terrell Owens was wearing a shirt that stated "Fancy little football person" on the front. You have to like a guy with a sense of humor, even though he is a douchebag some of the time. If you don't know, that is how a police officer referred to him in a press conference.

The game this weekend should be a good one. The Cowboys match up very well with the Iggles. They have a better passing game, an equal running game if Jones can rush like he did last week, and a better defense. If the offensive line can hold back the blitz, they will win, just like they did last year. But Jim Johnson is a crafty one. I think he held back some this past Monday. He will have something up his sleeve.

I think Milwaukee has found a new way to get out of the huge budget deficit they have. They are proposing an ordinance that requires video camera in bars. Now the alderman claims that it will help cut crime in taverns. Yeah right. What he is really trying to do is get video on the cheap to either send to America's Funniest Videos or he is going to make his own DVD series- Caught in the Bar. The number of stupid things people do while drinking (hey wait a sec!) is innumerable. This would sell like hotcakes! Only thing would be to find the place where they sell a lot of hotcakes.

The hearse is out!

Hockey season is back! Am I the only one that noticed? Or cares?

Ok, maybe it all doesn't make sense. There is suppose to be one of those dingbat "World Can't Wait" protests going on across the country, advocating a "regime" change. What it means is that people in major cities will have to deal with these irrational, psychos interrupting their normal commutes. It also means I get to see some funny pictures tomorrow. But in reality, every person that loves this country should either 1) go about their normal day and NOT joing these idiots, or 2) go protest what these idiots are doing. They are against what this country is about. You want a "regime" change? Vote next month! That is what we do in the United States. We vote for who should be in charge. Don't like it? Go to Iran. Just don't play pocket pool.

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