Friday, November 10, 2006

Let's Gamboool!

It has been a busy week. With the boss in town, I was forced into eating out each night this week. With happy hour tonight at BW3s, I won't see any exercise until Monday. I may end up wearing sweat pants all weekend. Maybe I can find my Zubaz.
Wow! In my effort to find a pic of Zubaz pants, I discovered their are some real freaks out there that glorify those things. You can buy "vintage" zubaz on ebay. Vintage? No, seriously, they can them vintage? And checkout the wikipedia entry for Zubaz. The second to last paragraph is great. A crockpot for your pork!

It is a gambling weekend. Going up nort, der ey, to the Menominee Casino is beautiful Keshena, WI. End sarcasm. Just a quick weekend getaway from the city. A place where you can walk into shithole bars and get 1.50 cans of beer. And play some blackjack, poker, even mini craps if I care. Last year, I won something like $800 on Let it Ride when I hit quads. Can lightening strike twice?

But until then, I have a free Friday. Yep, with the boss in transit, I can sit around and do very little today. For example, I can try to figure out how some people got to this site. Like the poor soul who put "chants while drinking" into Google and got here. Dude, why would you chant as you drink? That means you are too busy making stupid noises instead of drinking. Shut you piehole. Use it only when you lift a beer to your lips.

Or the "sweat while drinking" person. Either they need some air conditioning or they are some serious power drinkers. Have they perfected the science of aebeerobics? Aebeerobics. Exercising and drinking beer at the same time. Consider that term copyrighted folks!

Well, that is what I got for now. I may find something stupid to say later. If so, I will. Til then, rock on with your bad selves.

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