Thursday, November 16, 2006


Like most of the cool kids, I have submitted my blog to the ReviewMe team.

The concept of ReviewMe appears to be quite simple. You tell them a bit about what your blog is about. If accepted they make your blog available to their advertisers for potential product review. An advertiser contacts you with their product and asks you to try it out. Once you are finished, you just need to pound out a review of said product.

Sounds easy.

I have already done reviews here. Many a brew and bar have fallen under my scrutiny. Some places get rave reviews. I end up going back again and again when a bar has what it takes to be a good place to drink. Other places just aren’t what you think they are cracked up to be. Highly doubtful I would go back for a subpar product.

Personally, I value the opinion of my peers. If they say a place is good, I am more likely to check it out. If the place is very disappointing, I will skip it over for something much better. Hopefully, I can get that opportunity to help with the assistance of ReviewMe.

Now, I don’t really know what they will ask me to review. The advertisers get to pick you. It is a smart way to go about it as it allows the company to focus on their target market. I would like to think that I will be inundated with requests to try various beers, foods, restaurants, etc. Hey, one can dream, can’t they?

Seriously, a case or two isn’t asking for much…

(The preceding is a paid review.)

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