Monday, May 14, 2007


I knew if would be cold at night. Hence, my last words of "freeze my ass off" on Friday. My advice for everyone is simple. When it is 1:30 am and you need to take a piss, standing outside in 40 degree weather, ever for just a minute, in boxers and a t-shirt is going to be really fucking cold.

Really fucking cold.

I am sure that the previous 14 hours of drinking contributed to the thought process of "hey, you can't get that cold in a minute. You will be out and back in quickly. Not enough time to get cold". Took me a while to relax and get back to sleep.

There will be no more whining from me about needing a vacation. A quick trip to Bong is just what I needed. It seems I have a lot of friends who are having health issues or even surgery lately. Everyone is falling apart around me. To be able to escape and hear good news from them upon my return was nice. One cannot put into words how much fun it is to kick back with this group of friends, burn a lot of wood, drink a lot of beer, and hear good news.

Now it is back to the real world. Back to work. Back to having to mow the lawn. Back to washing my car- man is it dirty. I have the slight sunburn on my arms to remind me of the good times. Plus a lot of weird stuff that was said. All in all, it was a great weekend.

The capper on the weekend would have been the Brewers winning their series against the Mets. I knew it would be tough to get 2 of 3. They had a chance but couldn't convert. Except for yesterday, they played some good ball though. Hopefully they can shake it off and play the Phillies hard this week. I would offer the Blonde a little wager but if I recall, she never paid off the last bet we had. Would be nice to split the series at a minimum, but I can't see how they shouldn't take 3 of 4, especially with Howard on the DL.

Sopranos was good last night. Nice to see a pseudo-whacking. Entourage wasn't bad either. I wonder if Drama's show was actually a hit or if everyone was messing with him. That was the feeling I had at the end. That they lied just to make him feel better. I hope that isn't the case. Johnny Drama with a big head means Entourage will be even better in the weeks ahead.

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